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Ramy Torbey; Business Law; English, French & Arabic; Beirut, Lebanon 0 5 0 0

Ramy Torbey; Business Law; English, French & Arabic; Beirut, Lebanon

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Prac­tice Ar­eas

Bank­ing & Fi­nance, In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Merg­er­s & Ac­qui­si­tions, Pro­ject Fi­nance, Taxation


Ramy is a founder of Eptalex and the managing partner of the Beirut Eptalex office of Aziz Torbey Law Firm. He is a banking and financial markets expert, with substantial M&A, Corporate and International Taxation experience.

Ramy’s practice encompasses a broad array of corporate tax issues, structured finance transactions, joint ventures and cross border transactions; his transactional experience includes high-profile acquisitions and reorganizations of banks, an oil derivatives plant,  a cement factory, technology companies, touristic ventures, and several business/residential landmarks in the Middle East and in Europe. Furthermore, he has been advising banks and financial institutions on their day-to-day regulatory and compliance matters, and on their acquisition and use of the most recent plastic card and mobile payment technology.

His clients’ list include local and international banks, financial institutions, credit card companies, payment gateways, loyalty programs, private equity firms, holding companies, manufacturers, commercial distributors, IT service providers, energy companies, construction companies, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitality ventures…

Ramy has pub­lished ar­ti­cles about sev­er­al le­gal sub­jects, in­clud­ing se­cu­ri­ties, hedge funds, cor­po­rate fi­nanc­ing, in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and Al­ter­na­tive Dis­pute Re­s­o­lu­tion (ADR). He gave lec­tures and train­ings on vari­ous top­ics in­clud­ing busi­ness reg­is­tra­tion and pro­tec­tion, Sharia com­pliant pro­jects (Is­lam­ic fi­nance), and ADR in Beirut, Gene­va and Rome. He served as the Le­ba­nese Le­gal Ex­pert for a Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion ADR pro­ject in the Mid­dle-East and North Afri­ca, im­ple­ment­ed by an in­ter­na­tio­n­al con­sor­ti­um led by the ADR Cen­ter in Ita­ly from 2005 un­til 2008.

Ramy is cur­rent­ly serv­ing as board mem­ber and le­gal ad­vi­sor to a num­ber of lo­cal and in­ter­na­tio­n­al groups, com­pa­nies and NGOs. He is a mem­ber of the Beirut Bar As­so­ci­a­tion since 2002, a past mem­ber of its IT Com­mit­tee and a cur­rent mem­ber of its oil and gas com­mit­tee.


Saint Joseph Uni­ver­si­ty (Le­banon) and Uni­ver­si­ty Paris II-Pan­théon-As­sas (France), Mas­ter of Ad­vanced Studies (DEA) in Bank­ing and Fi­nan­cial Mar­kets Law, 2003. Th­e­sis: “Le­gal As­pects of De­posi­tary Re­ceipts in Com­par­a­tive Law”.
Ecole Supérieure des Af­faires (Le­banon) and Ecole Su­perieure de Com­merce de Paris (ESCP) Eu­rope (France), MBA, 2002. Th­e­sis: “Fi­nanc­ing the De­vel­op­ment of SMEs in Le­banon”.
Saint Joseph Uni­ver­si­ty (Le­banon), Mas­ters in Pri­vate & Public Law, 2001.
Saint Joseph Uni­ver­si­ty (Le­banon) and Mont­pel­li­er I Uni­ver­si­ty (France), Di­plo­ma in IT/IP Law, 2000.


Ara­bic, French , and En­glish


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